Saturday 2 April 2011

Salesforce API call from Oracle APEX

This post is about integrating Salesforce with Oracle using the Salesforce API.

I will try to show you how you can write a PL/SQL procedure to quickly send an SQL INSERT you do in an Oracle table to a Salesforce custom object as well. That is, how you can INSERT to a Salesforce object simultaneously when you insert to an Oracle table. I will use Oracle APEX, an Oracle RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool, as the Oracle database. 

You can achieve this by using the Oracle APEX package APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REQUEST and send SOAP envelopes to the Salesforce WSDL, without the HTTPS option, as I couldn't get that part working with my FREE Salesforce Developer account and my hosted Oracle Apex instance.

The idea is simple, you will create the PL/SQL procedure in Oracle, run it and insert data into an Oracle table and a Salesforce custom object simultaneously via SOAP envelope. The SOAP elements will be sent to Salesforce from the PL/SQL block using the APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REQUEST package. The data flow direction is from Oracle Apex to Salesforce. To do this, you will create two SOAP envelopes. 

1. One to get authenticated and login to Salesforce, once you login you can get the Salesforce sesionID.

2. And two to send the INSERT (Create in Salesforce parleur) data DML. 

Here is the code you run in Oracle, you don't have to do anything in Salesforce, all you need in Salesforce is to have a custom object to insert the data into, your credentials and obviously your XML envelopes should be written accordingly based on the Salesforce WSDL which you will generate. I have the following code as a PL/SQL anonymous block in an Oracle Apex page process and does the job for me. Just to save you time, you need an Oracle Apex instance with enabled external network calls, unfortunately will not let you do that, that was when I checked it last time, you can always get a low cost fully external network enabled Oracle Apex instance from hosting companies, the one I use is

Enough said, here is the code make sure you pass in your Salesforce credentials with the security token.

l_envelope CLOB;
l_envelope_create CLOB;
l_xml XMLTYPE;
l_xml_create XMLTYPE;
v_session_id varchar2(1000);
l_envelope :='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="http://">
         <login xmlns="">
-- make request
l_xml := apex_web_service.make_request(
p_url => '',
p_action => '',
p_envelope => l_envelope
-- get session id
-- You will need the salesforce session id , I know this is an ugly way of getting it, write a better one then, I just wanted to get it working

v_session_id := replace(replace(
-- debug
dbms_output.put_line('session_id is: '||v_session_id);
l_envelope_create :='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
         <ns1:SessionHeader soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:ns1="">  
            <ns2:sessionId xmlns:ns2="">'||v_session_id||'</ns2:sessionId> 
         <create xmlns="">  
            <sObjects xsi:type="ns3:linkstream__c" xmlns:ns3="">
               <ns3:wbid__c>'||:P3_WBID ||'</ns3:wbid__c>   
               <ns3:Link__c>'||:P3_LINK ||'</ns3:Link__c>   
               <ns3:Description__c>'||:P3_DESCRIPTION ||'</ns3:Description__c>   
               <ns3:Display_link__c>'||UPPER(:P3_DISPLAY_LINK) ||'</ns3:Display_link__c>   
   </soapenv:Envelope> ';


l_xml_create := apex_web_service.make_request(
p_url => '',
p_action => '',
p_envelope => l_envelope_create


As you can see the code executes in one PL/SQL block. You can call the procedure via an Insert Trigger on the Oracle table, or as a 'Page processing' process in Oracle Apex. It ads a link to my sites custom object from my Oracle Apex app. I display this mock sites on the left column in this blog, under 'My apps' section.

Needless to say, there are maybe dozens of easier ways of doing the same thing between Oracle and Salesforce with tools such as CastIron, Talend, Informatica or Apatar. Some are even free. But hey, this is using no tool but just HTTP!