As long as you can connect to the database with a username and have the JDBC driver, no need to transfer data into spreadsheets for analysis, just download (or docker) and use Apache Zeppelin notebook and chart your SQL directly!
I was impressed by the ability of Apache Zeppelin notebook to chart SQL queries directly. To configure this open source tool and start charting your SQL queries just point it your database JDBC endpoint and then start writing some SQL in real time.
See below how simple this is, just provide your database credentials and you are ready to go.
The notebook besides JDBC to any database, in my case I used a hosted Oracle cloud account, can also handle interpreters like: angular, Cassandra, neo4j, Python, SAP and many others.
You can download Apache Zeppelin and configure on localhost or you can run it on docker like this
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -v $PWD/logs:/logs -v $PWD/notebook:/notebook xemuliam/zeppelin