Wednesday 23 December 2015


As technology advances at warp speed, there are certain tech methodologies that will go by the wayside to make room for more advanced and efficient versions; and how development projects are managed is a case, in point. Companies in every industrialized nation of the world are embracing Geographically-Distributed Development or GDD, which has embedded itself an impressive and proof-positive IT strategy model. Outdated procedures that have been utilized for the administration of virtually any type of development project have been limited to one or several building sites. That was then; this is now.

Let’s take a look at the advantages that GDD offers:

  • decreased labor expenses 
  • increased availability to skilled resources
  • reduced time-to-market, with round-the-clock flexible staffing

The beauty of GDD is that is allows enterprises, regardless of location, to respond to changes in business circumstances as they happen. Any feedback can be presented, instantaneously, within a global framework.

In order for GDD to achieve its vast benefit potential, major barriers that might impede an enterprise’s successes must be reduced to a minimum or entirely eliminated within the GDD strategy. It is crucial that increased expenses associated with communication and coordination logistics that occur on an international level within a globally-distributed market, be uncovered and targeted. If communication and coordination-specific expenses are allowed to flourish, the very benefits of GDD can be sorely compromised. Various challenges must be reckoned with: 1) cultural variances 2) language differences and 3) inaccessibility to time-sensitive information. These can all jeopardize the progress of distributed projects.

GDD is oblivious to location. it is an IT strategy model without borders. This allows development team-members to work collectively and cohesively within a city, across state lines or beyond continents. A site or sites might be engaged with one particular software-development venture while one or more outsourcing companies work, simultaneously, towards the projected goal. Outsourcing companies would contribute their efforts and expertise, like a fine-tuned engine, within the software’s project-development cycle. Optimized efficiency and cost savings, via structured and coordinated local or global team-work, becomes refreshingly realized.

With GDD, thorough and clear communication is established between all team members and project coordination. Business demands incorporate global-sourcing, service-oriented architecture, new compliance regulations, new development methodologies, reduced release cycles and broadened application lifetimes. Because of this, highly-effective, unencumbered communication is mission-critical; and a necessity arises that begs for a solution that has the power to:

  • Provide management visibility of all change activities among distributed development teams 
  • Integrate and automate current change processes and best practices within the enterprise
  • Organize the distribution of dependent change components among platforms and teams
  • Protect intellectual property

Track and authenticate Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Engaging an organization to efficiently manage and significantly optimize communication among all stakeholders in the change process is a priceless component of an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution. Multiple GDD locales present inherent challenges: language and cultural divides, varying software-development methods, change-management protocol, security employment, adherence to industry mandates and client business requisites. The good news is the ALM solution tackles these hurdles with ease!

Provide Management Visibility of all Change Activities among Distributed Development Teams
When a centralized repository allows for the viewing of all the activities, communications and artifacts that could be impacted by the change process, you have beauty in motion; and this is what ALM does. Via ALM, users have the luxury of effortlessly viewing project endeavors by each developer, development group or project team--irrespective of location, platform and development setting. This type of amenity becomes especially striking when one begins to compare this model-type with other distributed environments where work-in-progress is not visible across teams due to niche teams employing their own code repositories.

ALM provides the opportunity for development managers to not only track, but validate a project’s standing. A project’s status can be verified which helps to guarantee the completion of tasks. User-friendly dashboards will alert management if vital processes indicate signs of sluggishness or inefficiency.

ALM ensures that the overall development objectives will be met on a consistent basis. This is accomplished through the seamless coordination between both remote and local development activities. The ALM-accumulated data plays a crucial role with boosting project management, status tracking, traceability, and resource distribution. Development procedures can be continually improved upon, thanks to generated reports that allow for process metrics to be collected and assessed. Also, ALM allows regulatory and best-practices compliance to be effortlessly monitored and evaluated. Compliance deals with structuring the applicable processes and creating the necessary reports. ALM executes compliance strategy and offers visibility to the needed historical information, regardless of users’ geographic locations.

Integrate and Automate Current Change Processes and Best Practices within the Enterprise
In a perfect world, each and every facet of a company’s application development would be super easy; and with ALM it is. By way of ALM, companies can establish the defined, repeatable, measureable and traceable processes based on best practices, with absolute perfection. User-friendly point-and-click set-up functions enable one to create a collection of authorized processes that automate task assignments and movement of application artifacts.

ALM permits the streamlining of change management by means of its simplicity when dealing with changes and necessary proceedings. This in turn means changes can be analyzed and prioritized. The approval management functions demand that official authorizations must be secured before any changes are permitted to go forth. The ATM’s automated logging functions totally un-complicate the tracking of software changes. This is huge since changes can be tracked from the time a request is received up to the time when a solution is submitted to production.

Every member that is part of the global development team would be duly notified regarding any required assignments as well as any happenings that would have an impact on their efforts.

Organize the Distribution of Dependent Change Components among Teams and Platforms
It’s no secret that when there are changes within just one system of a cohesive enterprise, those changes can impact other systems. ALM offers multi-platform support which ensures that modifications made on disparate platforms, by way of geographically-dispersed teams can be navigated through the application lifecycle jointly. A Bill of Materials Process, or BOMP, serves as an on-board feature that permits users to create file portfolios that incorporate characteristics from various platforms. This means those portfolios can travel through the lifecycle as a unit. Additionally, some ALM solutions absolutely ensure that the parts within the assemblies are positioned with the suitable platforms at each state of the lifecycle.

Protect Intellectual Property
An ALM solution is the perfect component that allows for access and function control over all managed artifacts. Managers are in a position to easily determine and authorize any access to vital intellectual property due to ALM functioning on a role-based control system. The role-based structure means administrative operations are streamlined which permits any system administrator to bypass assigning individual rights to a single user. Additionally, a role-based system delivers a clearly-defined synopsis of access rights between groups of individuals.

Track and Authenticate Service Level Agreements
The overall project plan, absolutely, must remain on schedule while administering accountability for established deliveries; and this can be easily realized through ALM’s ability to track and authenticate tasks and processes. The ALM solution caters to satisfying Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements within an outsourcing contract. As a result, project management is enhanced by ensuring performance of specific tasks. Optimizing the user’s ability to track emphasized achievements is made possible due to the consistency between tasks that have been assigned to developers and tasks that are part of the project plan. Invaluable ALM-generated reports will track response and resolution times; and service-level workflows automate service processes and offer flexibility. This translates into an acceleration of processes to the respective resources to meet project deadlines. The ability to track performance against service-level agreements is made possible due to the availability of reports and dashboards that are at one’s fingertips.

Enhance Your Geographically-Distributed Development
As stated, ALM is beauty in motion; and aside from promoting perfected-levels of communication and coordination, it utilizes management strategies designed to plow through any obstructions that have the potential to compromise success. ALM’s centralized repository is purposed to present multiple ideas, designs, dialogue, requirements, tasks and much more to team-members who would require or desire instant access to data. Development procedures and tasks can be precisely and efficiently automated and managed due to ALM’s cohesive workflow capabilities. Vital intellectual property, all of it is embedded and safeguarded in a central repository. Due to this caliber of reinforced protection, loss and unauthorized access is null and void. When remote software development is in-sync with local development, project management becomes seamless, highly-coordinated and error-free. Integration of the monitoring, tracking and auditing of reports and dashboards means management can successfully satisfy project deadlines. It would behoove any enterprise who wishes to reap the rewards of GDD to fully embrace ALM as its solution, it is truly mission-critical.

Application Lifecycle Management Solutions
Application lifecycle management programs are able to easily deliver a plethora of enterprise software modifications and configuration management facilities. ALM solutions have the ability to support the needs of multiple groups of geographically-distributed developers. Business process automation services, designated to automate and enforce on-going service delivery processes throughout enterprise organizations, is a vital component of ALM solutions. Within those groups of geographically-distributed developers, the product continues to reveal the magnitude of its talents since it: targets permission-based assignment and enforcement services, caters to role-based interfaces which allows support for developers, software engineers, project managers, IT specialists, etc, delivers enterprise application inventory-management services, oversees and coordinates large software inventories and configurations, guards user access, manages differing versions of application code, supports the existence of concurrent development projects, coordinates a diversity of release management facilities.

Guest blogger post:

Mike Miranda is a writer concerning topics ranging from Legacy modernization to Application life cycle management, data management, big data and more.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Oracle Apex 5.0 and APEX_JSON

How many lines of code does it take to make a web service call? Answer: 39

That is how many lines of PL/SQL I had to write in Oracle Apex 5.0 to make a web service call to an external API.

I used Adzuna's REST API to retrieve the latitude and longitude and the price of 2 bed properties for rent in a specific location in UK. The API returns JSON which the APEX_JSON package is able to parse easily. Adzuna is a property search engine which also provides aggregate data for properties in various countries around the world.

I think the native APEX_JSON package in Oracle Apex 5.0 is very useful and makes integrating web services to your Oracle Apex applications very easy. Here is application I have created in matter of hours which shows you average rent properties in a location of your choice in UK.

Here is the link for the app:

And here is the code:

If you want to run this as is in your SQL Workshop, make sure you replace {myadzunaid:myadzunakey} in the code with your adzuna app_id and app_key which you can obtain from the Adzuna website as I have removed mine from the code. They also have a very good interactive api documentation here!/adzuna

create or replace procedure get_rent_data(p_where in varchar2, p_radius in number, p_room in number)
v_resp_r clob;
j apex_json.t_values;
l_paths apex_t_varchar2;
v_id varchar(50);
v_lat decimal(9,6);
v_lon decimal(9,6);
v_rent number(10);

-- http housekeeping
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).name  := 'Accept'; 
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).value := 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(2).name  := 'Content-Type'; 
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(2).value := 'application/json; charset=utf-8';

v_resp_r := apex_web_service.make_rest_request 
      ( p_url => '' 
      , p_http_method => 'GET' 
      , p_parm_name => apex_util.string_to_table('app_id:app_key:where:max_days_old:sort_by:category:distance:results_per_page:beds') 
      , p_parm_value => apex_util.string_to_table('{myadzunaid:myadzunakey}:'||p_where||':90:date:to-rent:'||p_radius||':100:'||p_room||'') 
-- parse json
apex_json.parse(j, v_resp_r);

-- start looping on json
l_paths := apex_json.find_paths_like (
        p_values         => j,
        p_return_path => 'results[%]',
        p_subpath       => '.beds',
        p_value           => '2' );
for i in 1 .. l_paths.count loop
       v_id := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_values => j, p_path => l_paths(i)||'.id'); 
       v_rent := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_values => j, p_path => l_paths(i)||'.price_per_month'); 
       v_lat := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_values => j, p_path => l_paths(i)||'.latitude');
       v_lon := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_values => j, p_path => l_paths(i)||'.longitude');

-- debug print values to page
 htp.p(v_id||'-'||v_lat||','||v_lon||'Rents : £'||v_rent);

end loop;


Thursday 10 December 2015

Five Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Data Discovery Tool

Regardless of what type of industry or business you are involved in, the bottom-line goal is to optimize sales; and that involves replacing any archaic tech processes with cutting-edge technology and substituting any existing chaos with results-driven clarity.

Data discovery tools, being a business-intelligence architecture, creates that clarity through the incorporation of a user-driven process that searches for patterns or specific items in a data set via interactive reports. Visualization is a huge component of data discovery tools. One can merge data from multiple sources into a single data set from which one can create interactive, stunning dashboards, reports and analyses. The user is able to observe data come to life via striking visualizations. Furthermore, business users want to perform their own data analysis and reporting—with a data discovery tool they can! After it’s all said and done, smarter business decisions are generated; and that drives results.

Before purchasing a data discovery tool, however, several questions should be addressed:

1: What About Data Prep?
It’s important to realize that there are companies who will claim their data-discovery products are self-service; but keep in mind that many of the products will necessitate a data prep tool in order to access the data to be analyzed. Preparing data is challenging; and if a data prep tool is not included, one must be purchased. Choose a data discovery tool that enables data prep to be handled without any external support.

As a side note: governed self-service discovery provides easy access to data from IT; and an enterprise discovery platform will give IT full visibility to the data and analytic applications while it meets the business’s need for self-service. Business users embrace the independence they are empowered with to upload and combine data on their own.

2: Is Assistance from IT Required for Data Discovery Tools?
Business users desire the ability to prepare their own, personal dashboards and explore data in new ways without needing to heavily rely on IT. Data discovery tools do not require the intervention of IT professionals, yet the relationship with IT remains. Data discovery tools empower the business to self-serve while maintaining IT stewardship. Data discovery tools allow users to directly access data and create dashboards that are contextual to their needs—when they need it and how they need it! This, in turn, reduces the number of requests for reports and dashboards from IT staff and allows those professionals to focus more intently on development projects and system improvements. Software solutions that support data discovery, such as business intelligence platforms with innovative visualization capabilities, are zealously supported by non-technical business users since they can perform deep, intuitive analysis of any enterprise information without reliance on IT assistance.

3: Will Data Discovery Tools Allow One to Interact with the Data?
The fun thing is, you can play with the data to the point of being able to create, modify and drill down on a specific display. A beautiful feature of data discovery tools is the interactive component which permits one to interact with corporate data sources visually to uncover hidden trends and outliers. Data discovery facilitates intuitive, visual-based and multivariate analysis via selecting, zooming, pivoting, and re-sorting to alter visuals for measurement, comparisons and observation.

4: Are Data Discovery Tools Intended for Enterprise Use?
Enabling the business to self-serve while maintaining IT stewardship creates reliable decisions the enterprise can rely on. Data discovery tools are invaluable for enterprise use—organizations can plan their approach to incorporate data discovery tools into their infrastructure and business practice.

Data discovery tools allow one to retrieve and decipher data from spreadsheets, departmental databases, enterprise data warehouse and third-party data sources more efficiently than ever! Multidimensional information can be transformed into striking graphical representations—3D bar and pie charts, histograms, scatter plots and so much more! Data discovery tools deliver enterprise solutions within the realms of business information and analytics, storage, networks & compliance, application development, integration, modernization and database servers and tools.

5: With Data Discovery Tools Can I Retrieve Answers At any Time?
Data discovery tools will allow you to make inquiries and get answers quickly and seamlessly. Geographic location will make no difference since files can be loaded on a laptop or even a mobile phone or other mobile devices. With a few clicks, you can unlock all your data from servers, a mainframe or a PC.

Multiple charts, graphs, maps and other visuals can, all, be combined in analytic dashboards and interactive apps. Answers to crucial questions and issues can be quickly unveiled. Analysts can share the data, with ease, among all users via the web and mobile devices—all operating like a fine-tuned engine—anytime, anywhere.

Data discovery tools are changing business intelligence!

Guest blogger post:
Mike Miranda writes about enterprise software and covers products offered by software companies like rocket software about topics such as Terminal Emulation, Legacy Modernization, Enterprise Search, Big Data, Enterprise Mobility and more.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Why Data Virtualization Is so Vital

In today’s day and age, it probably seems like every week you hear about a new form of software you absolutely have to have. However, as you’re about to find out, data virtualization is actually worth the hype. 

The Old Ways of Doing Things
Traditionally, data management has been a cumbersome process, to say the least. Usually, it means data replication, data management or using intermediary connectors and servers to pull off point-to-point integration. Of course, in some situations, it’s a combination of the three.

Like we just said, though, these methods were never really ideal. Instead, they were just the only options given the complete lack of alternatives available. That’s the main reason you’re seeing these methods less and less. The moment something better came along, companies jumped all over them.

However, their diminishing utility can also be traced to three main factors. These would be:

· High costs related to data movement
· The astronomical growth in data (also referred to as Big Data)
· Customers that expect real-time information
These three elements are probably fairly self-explanatory, but that last one is especially interesting to elaborate on. Customers these days really don’t understand why they can’t get all the information they want exactly when they want it. How could they possibly make sense of that when they can go online and get their hands on practically any data they could ever want thanks to the likes of Google? If you’re trying to explain to them that your company can’t do this, they’re most likely going to have a hard time believing you. Worse, they may believe you, but assume that this is a problem relative to your company and that some competitor won’t have this issue.

Introducing Data Virtualization
It was only a matter of time before this problem was eventually addressed. Obviously, when so many companies are struggling with this kind of challenge, there’s quite the incentive for another one to solve it.

That’s where data virtualization comes into play. Companies that are struggling with having critical information spread out across their entire enterprise in all kinds of formats and locations never have to worry about the hardships of having to get their hands on it. Instead, they can use virtualization platforms to search out what they need.

Flexible Searches for Better Results
It wouldn’t make much sense for this type of software to not have a certain amount of agility built in. After all, that’s sort of its main selling point. The whole reason companies invest in it is because it doesn’t get held back by issues with layout or formatting. Whatever you need, it can find.

Still, for best results, many now offer a single interface that can be used to separate and extract aggregates of data in all kinds of ways. The end result is a flexible search which can be leverage toward all kinds of ends. It’s no longer about being able to find any type of information you need, but finding it in the most efficient and productive way possible.

Keep Your Mainframe
One misconception that some companies have about data virtualization is that it will need certain adjustments to be made to your mainframe before it can truly be effective. This makes sense because, for many platforms, this is definitely the case. These are earlier versions, though, and some that just aren’t of the highest quality.

With really good versions, though, you can basically transform your company’s mainframe into a virtualization platform. Such an approach isn’t just cost-effective. It also makes sure you aren’t wasting resources, including time, addressing the shortcomings of your current mainframe, something no company wants to do.

Don’t get turned off from taking a virtualization approach to your cache of data because you’re imagining a long list of chores that will be necessary for transforming your mainframe. Instead, just be sure you invest in a high-end version that will actually transform your current version into something much better.

A Better Approach to Your Current Mainframe
Let’s look at some further benefits that come from taking this approach. First, if the program you choose comes with the use of a high-performance server, you’ll immediately eliminate the redundancy of integrating from point-to-point. This will definitely give you better performance in terms of manageability. Plus, if you ever want to scale up, this will make it much easier to do so.

Proper data migration is key to a good virtualization process. If it is done right the end user wont have to worry out corrupted data and communication between machines will be crystal clear.

If you divert the data mapping you need to do at processing-intensive level and transformation processes away from the General Purpose Processor of your mainframe to the zIIP specialty engine, you’ll get to dramatically reduce your MIPS capacity usage and, therefore, also reduce your company’s TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).

Lastly, maybe you’d like to exploit of every last piece of value you derive from your mainframe data. If so, good virtualization software will not only make this possible, but do so in a way that will let you dramatically turn all of your non-relational mainframe data virtualization into relational formats that any business analytics or intelligence application can use.

Key Features to Look for in Your Virtualization Platform
If you’re now sold on the idea of investing in a virtualization platform, the next step is getting smart about what to look for. As you can imagine, you won’t have trouble finding a program to buy, but you want to make sure it’s actually going to be worth every penny.

The first would be, simply, the amount of data providers available. You want to be able to address everything from big data to machine data to syslogs, distributed and mainframe. Obviously, this will depend a lot on your current needs, but think about the future too.

Then, there’s the same to think about in terms of data consumers. We’re talking about the cloud, analytics, business intelligence and, of course, the web. Making sure you will be able to stay current for some time is very important. Technology changes quickly and the better your virtualization process is the longer you’ll have before having to upgrade. Look closely at the migration process, and whether or not the provider can utilize your IT team to increase work flow. This will help you company get back on track more quickly and with better results.

Finally, don’t forget to look at costs, especially where scalability is concerned. If you have plans of getting bigger in the future, you don’t want it to take a burdensome investment to do so.

As you can see, virtualization platforms definitely live up to the hype.You just have to be sure you spend your money on the right kind.

Guest blogger post :

Mike Miranda writes about enterprise software and covers products offered by software companies like Rocket software about topics such as Terminal emulation, Enterprise Mobility and more.

Thursday 19 November 2015

How Terminal Emulation Assists Easy Data Management

Just about every company will need terminal emulation at some point. Yours may not need it now, but as time goes on, the day will come when you need information that can only be accessed with an emulator. This software allows a computer to basically take on the functionality of an older version. Doing so makes it possible for the user to access data that would otherwise be impossible to find. If you’re not sold on the benefits of using this type of software, consider the following ways that it assists with making data management easier.

Obtain Data from Outdated Systems
This is the most obvious way a terminal emulator helps with data management. Right now, you could have all kinds of data out of reach because it was created with software you no longer used or stored on a platform that differs from the current one on your system.

Without an emulator, you’re basically without options. You simply have to find a workaround. The best solution would involve using a machine with the old operating system installed. This isn’t just extremely inconvenient though; it also isn’t very cost-effective and is sure to become a bottleneck sooner or later.

With terminal emulation, no data ever has to be out of reach. Whether its information from 10 years ago or 20, you can quickly retrieve whatever it is you need.

Access Multiple Terminals at Once

There’s far more these applications can do to assist with data management though. Over time, your company has probably—or will, someday—go through multiple platforms. This means that going back and grabbing the data you need could involve more than one system. If you tried using the aforementioned workaround, you’d be in for a huge challenge. It would take multiple computers, each with a specific operating system and then going between them to get the information you need or cross reference it as necessary.

Modern emulators can access as many terminals as you need all on the same computer. Usually, it just involves putting each one on separate tabs. Not only can you get all the info you need, then, you can do it from the screen all at once. This makes it extremely easy to cross reference data from one system against others.

Customize Your Queries

Another great benefit that comes with terminal emulation is that you can actually customize your searches to various degrees. For many companies, accessing old data means looking at screens that represent the info in the most rudimentary of ways. There may only be a few colors used for fonts on a black screen. Obviously, this can make data management a bit of a challenge, to say the least.
With the right software, though, you can control the font color, the character size, background and more. This makes it much easier to see the information you want, highlight it and otherwise keep track of the data. Never again suffer through old screens from outdated platforms when you need something.

Mobile Functionality

Like just about everything these days, terminal emulators have now gone mobile. You can now pull off emulation from just about anywhere in the world on your mobile device. This is a great way to make emulation possible for any work at home employees who may be working for your company. If you hire on a consultant or freelance professional from somewhere outside the office, mobile functionality means they can now benefit from easy data management. Next time you’re on a business trip and need to access information from yesteryear, the ability to do so will be at your fingertips.

Mobile functionality may not seem like the most important aspect to have as far as emulation is concerned, but it’s better to have the option there than wish it was possible.

Save Money

Data management can be a costly endeavor. Unfortunately, it’s one of those costs your company really can’t hope to avoid. You need to manage your data, so you better find room in your budget. With terminal emulation, you can at least save money on this essential process.

Like we brought up earlier, without an emulator, you’re looking at a lot of hardware in order to make sure vital data is never out of reach, to say nothing of how inconvenient that option would be. You’re also looking at the potential costs of losing that data if anything happens to your dedicated machines. Furthermore, added hardware always comes with extra costs. There’s the space you need, electricity, IT support and more.

In light of those added expenses, simply using emulation software should be a no-brainer. You don’t need any extra hardware and these platforms are designed to stay out of the way until you need them, so they won’t hurt your staff’s ability to use their current machines.

Limitless Scalability

No matter what kind of software we’re talking about, scalability always needs to be a concern. Today, your company may only have so much data to manage. A year from now, though, there’s going to be a lot more. Five years from now, your company’s collection of data will be expansive.
Obviously, managing this data efficiently is going to take a resource that can scale without difficulty. Keep in mind that a lot of companies increase their amount of data exponentially. This means scalability is necessary, but so is being able to scale at a moment’s notice to whatever size is needed.
Terminal emulation and scalability are virtually inseparable when you have the right software. No alternative solution is going to be able to keep up. Again, if you tried using hardware to manage your data, you can forget about easy scalability and forget about doing so without spending a lot of money in the process.

Data management needs to be a priority for every organization, no matter what industry they’re in. However, simple data management isn’t enough anymore. Instead, you need emulation software that will make it easy, cost-effective and scalable. Otherwise, your business will always be greatly limited in what information it can access and the benefits that could be derived from it.

Guest post blogger:

Mike Miranda writes about enterprise software and covers products offered by software companies like Rocket software about topics such as Terminal emulation, Enterprise Mobility and more.

Friday 4 September 2015

The Importance of Data Virtualization

It’s been a long time since the way data was stored and accessed has been addressed. We went from scrolls to books to mainframes and this last method hasn’t budged all that much over the last decade or so. This is despite the fact that we keep creating more and more information, which means that better ways for storing and finding it would make a world of difference. Fortunately, this is where data virtualization comes into play. If your company isn’t currently using this type of software, you’re missing out on a better way of leveraging your organization’s data.

Problems with Traditional Methods

No matter what line of work you’re in, your company is creating all kinds of information each and every business day. We’re not just talking about copy for your website or advertising materials either. Information is created with each and every transaction and just about any time you interact with a customer.

You’re also not just creating information in these moments. You need to access stored data too. If you don’t do this well—and many, many companies don’t—you’re going to end up with a lot of unnecessary problems. Of course, you’re also wasting a lot of money on all that info you’re creating but not using.

The main problem with traditional methods of data storage and retrieval is that they rely on movement and replication processes and intermediary servers and connectors for integrating via a point-to-point system. This worked for a long time. For a few companies, it may seem like it’s still working to some degree.

However, there’s a high cost to this kind of data movement process. If you’re still trying to shoulder it, chances are your overhead looks a lot worse than competitors that have moved on.
That’s not the only problem worth addressing, though. There’s also the huge growth of data that’s continuing to head north. We’ve touched on this, but the problem is so prevalent that there’s a term for it throughout every industry: Big Data. Obviously, it refers to the fact that there is just so much information out there, but the fact this term exists also shows how much it affects all kinds of companies.

Big Data is also a statement about its creation. Its sheer proliferation is massive. Every year, the amount increases at an exponential rate. There’s just no way the old methods for storing and finding it will work.

Finally, customers expect that you’ll be able to find whatever information you need to meet their demands. Whether it’s actual information they want from you or it’s just information you need to carry out their transaction, most won’t understand why this isn’t possible. After all, they use Google and other search engines every day. If those platforms can find just about anything for free, why can’t your company do the same?

The Solution Is Data Virtualization

If all of the above sounded a bit grim, don’t worry. There’s a very simple solution waiting for you in data virtualization. This type of software overcomes the challenges that come with your data being stored all over your enterprise. You never again have to run a million different searches to collect it all or come up with some halfway decent workaround. Finally, there’s a type of platform made specifically for your company’s data gathering needs.
This software isn’t just effective. It’s convenient too. You work through one, single interface and can have access to the entirety of your company’s data store. What it does is effectively separate the external interface from the implementation going on inside.

How It Works

Every data virtualization platform is going to have its own way of working, so it’s definitely worth researching this before putting your money behind any piece of software. However, the basic idea remains the same across most titles.
With virtualization software, the data doesn’t have to be physically moved because this technology uses meta data to create a virtual perspective of the sources you need to get to. Doing so provides a faster and much more agile way of getting to and combining data from all the different sources available:
·      Distributed
·      Mainframe
·      Cloud
·      Big Data
As you can probably tell, this makes it much easier to get your hands on important information than the way you’re currently doing it.

Finding the Right Title for Your Company

Although they all serve the same purpose and the vast majority will follow the outline we just went through, there are still enough virtualization software titles out there that it’s worth thinking about what your best option will look like. As with any type of software, you don’t want to invest your money anywhere it’s not going to do the most good.
The good news is that this software has been around long enough that there have been best practices established for how it should work.
First, you want to look for a title that will actually transform the way your mainframe works by leveraging what it can do for every search. This is just a good use of your resources and gives you more bang for your buck as far as your mainframe is concerned. Software that uses it for virtualization purposes is going to work even better than a distribution-based application and won’t cost any more.

However, it’s also going to work a lot better for that price too. A lot of companies also love that this way of carrying out a search is more secure as well. The last thing you want is to pay for a piece of software that’s actually going to leave you worse off.

Secondly, although this may sound complex, you can and should find a solution that keeps things simple. Data integration can be straightforward with the method we just described without any need for redundant processes that would slow down your ability to scale up.

With data virtualization, there is no downside. Furthermore, it’s becoming more and more of a necessity. Companies are going to have to invest in this software as Big Data continues to get bigger.

Mike Miranda writes about enterprise software and covers products offered by software companies like Rocket Software.about topics such as Terminal Emulation, Legacy Modernization, Enterprise Search, Big Data and Enterprise Mobility.

Don’t Settle When It Comes to Enterprise Search Platforms

No company should try to operate for very long without an enterprise search platform. With so many options out there, though, you could be confused about which one is worth a spot in your organization’s budget. Let’s look at two very common workarounds some have tried, and then we will talk about why you must go with a reputable developer when you make your final decision.

Leveraging Web Search Engines

One way a lot of companies have handled their need for an enterprise search platform is to simply use one like Google or some other web engine. On paper, this may seem to make a lot of sense. After all, who doesn’t trust Google? Most of us use it every single day and would be lost without the search engine giant. If you can leverage its power for your company’s needs, that would seem like a no-brainer, right?

Unfortunately, if you try this, you’ll learn the hard way that Google leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to this type of an environment. That’s not to say it won’t work; it just won’t work well and definitely not nearly as well as you want for a search engine working your company’s internal systems. Google and other web search engines are fantastic at what they’re designed to do. They are not designed to work in an enterprise search environment though. For that, you need a true enterprise search platform.

The major problem is that web search engines are all about sheer volume, which makes a lot of sense once you think about it. When you want to find a pizza parlor in your city, you want to know about every single option and then some. Google’s ability to harvest this much information and present it quickly is one of the reasons it’s so popular. Any search engine that can’t deliver this kind of volume is going to alienate users and soon be left on the scrap heap.

What web search engines like Google don’t do well, though, is carry out deep, detail-oriented searches. Again, this makes sense. Google is driven largely by keywords and backlinks. These are “surface searches” that weren’t created to do some of the tasks you need an enterprise search platform form.

Your employees may do some very simple searches, but they probably also have some pretty demanding queries too. Enterprise search platforms are designed to handle these types of searches and drill down to the last detail in any file or piece of data they come across. If your employees aren’t able to do these types of searches on a regular basis, the search software you invested in will be a waste of money. Worse, it could land you with all kinds of other problems because your people will think they’re doing the best possible search they can and concluding that what they want can’t be found.

Also, don’t forget that your company stores information in different places. Yes, it may all be on the same server, but in the digital world, there are various “silos” that hold onto information. Each silo is its own environment with its own rules. When you try using a web search engine to look through all your company’s silos, what will most likely happen is that it will have to go through one at a time. This is far from ideal, to say the least.

If you have a good number of silos, your employees will most likely give up. They won’t want to walk the search engine from one silo to the next like they’re holding onto the leash of a bloodhound. The whole point of a search engine is that it’s supposed to cut down on the exhaustive amount of “manual” work you’d otherwise have to do to find the data you need.

Silos aren’t all the same, so you want a search program that can go in and out of the type you have without requiring the employee to reconfigure their query.

Open Source Software

Another very popular method of acquiring enterprise search software is to go with an open source title. Once again, on paper, this seems like a very logical route to take. For one thing, the software is free. You can’t beat that price, especially when it comes to an enterprise-level platform. This usually seems like an unbeatable value for small- and medium-sized businesses that don’t have a lot of leeway where their budget is concerned.

That’s just one benefit that proponents of open source search engines tout though. There’s also the fact that you can modify the software as you see fit. This gives the user the ability to basically mold the code into a result that will fit their company’s needs like a glove.

There are a couple problems though. The first is that you get what you pay for. If your open source software doesn’t deliver, you have no one to complain to. You can always do your research to find a title that others have given positive reviews to. At the end of the day, though, don’t expect much in the way of support. There are plenty of forums to go through to find free advice, but that’s not the type of thing most professionals want to wade through.

When you go with a true, professional version, your employees will never be far from help if something goes wrong. Most companies these days have email and phone lines you can use, but many also have chat boxes you can open up on their website. None of these will be available for your company if you go with open source software.

Also, you can definitely modify the search engine software, but this isn’t necessarily unique to open-source platforms. Professional search platforms can be modified a number of ways, allowing the user to streamline their software and fine-tune the result so they get relevant results again and again.

This type of architecture, known as a pipeline, is becoming more and more the standard in this industry. Enterprise platforms come with all kinds of different search features, but that can also be a problem if they start getting in the way of one another. To ensure there are never too many cooks in the kitchen, pipeline architecture is used to line them all up, one in front of the other. By doing so, you’ll have a much easier time getting the search results you want, especially because you can just reconfigure these features as you see fit whenever you like.

Ongoing Updates Are Yours

One very important aspect of professional enterprise search platforms that is worth pointing out is that most developers are constantly putting out updates for their product. This is the same thing web search engines do, of course. Google, Yahoo and Bing all release upgrades constantly. The difference, however, is that enterprise platforms get upgrades that are specific to their purposes.

While there are updates for open source software, expect sporadic results. The developer of your favourite title could give up and go on to another project, leaving you to look for someone else to continue creating great updates.

If you have a skilled developer who is familiar with open source search engines on your team, this may be an attractive option. Still, most will find this route is just too risky. Most of us also don’t have that kind of developer on staff and it wouldn’t be worth it to hire someone on specifically for this reason (it’d be much more affordable to just buy professional software). Also, remember that, even if you do have this kind of talent within your ranks, you’ll soon become completely beholden to them if you start trusting them with this kind of job. Having someone who is completely responsible for your search engine being able to work and not having someone else on staff who can offer support or replace them is not a good idea.

Scalability Is a Given

Every company understands how important scalability is. This is especially true when it comes to software though. The scalability of a program can really make or break its value. Either it will turn into a costly mistake that greatly holds your business back or it will become the type of agile asset you actually take for granted, it’s so helpful.

Open source platforms are only as scalable as their code allows, so if the person who first made it didn’t have your company’s needs in mind, you’ll be in trouble. Even if they did, you could run into a problem where you find out that scaling up actually reveals some issues you hadn’t encountered before. This is the exact kind of event you want to avoid at all costs.

Now that you realize the importance of going with a reputable developer, your next step is picking which one to choose. You definitely won’t lack for options these days, so just take your time to ensure you go with the best one for your business.

Guest blogger post:

Mike Miranda writes about enterprise software and covers products offered by software companies like about topics such as Terminal Emulation, Legacy Modernization, Enterprise Search, Big Data and Enterprise Mobility.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Query existing HBase tables with SQL using Apache Phoenix

Spending a bit more time with Apache Phoenix and reading again my previous post I realised that you can use it to query existing HBase tables. That is NOT tables created using Apache Phoenix, but HBase - the columnar NoSQL database in Hadoop.I think this is cool as it gives you the ability to use SQL on an HBase table.

To test this, let's say you login to HBase and you create an HBase table like this:
> create 'table2', {NAME=>'cf1', VERSIONS => 5}

The table2 is a simple table in HBase with one column family cf1 and now let's put some data to this HBase table.
> put 'table2', 'row1', 'cf1:column1', 'Hello SQL!'

then maybe add another row
> put 'table2', 'row4', 'cf1:column1', 'London'

Now, in Phoenix all you will have to do is create a database View for this table and query it with SQL. The database View will be read-only. How cool is that, you don't even need to physically create the table or move the data to Phoenix or convert it, a database view will be sufficient and via Phoenix you can query the HBase table with SQL.

In Phoenix you create the view for the table2 using the same name. As you can see below the DDL used to create the view is case sensitive and if you created your HBase table name in lower case you will have to put the name in between double quotes.

So login to Phoenix and create the "table2" view like this:

> create view "table2" ( pk VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, "cf1"."column1" VARCHAR );
And here is how you then query it in Phoenix:

SQL Query on Phoenix
Tremendous potential here, imagine all those existing HBase tables which now you can query with SQL. More, you can point your Business Intelligence tools and Reporting Tools and other tools which work with SQL and query HBase as if it was another SQL database.

A solution worth investigating further? It definitely got me blogging in the evenings again.

To find out more about Apache Phoenix visit their project page